Thursday, April 14, 2016

Morocco Cultures [Cultures de Maroc]

Morocco Cultures 

Morocco has a specialized charm. He is a country where we can find different climate. Mountains and forests in the middle and north. Snow in Ifrane and Atlas Mountains and Desert in south.  Morocco is also a merge of various cultures and traditions: Arabic, jewish , Berber and Saharian.
Many cities have many traditions. People differ from one town to another.  Their clothes, eating, wedding traditions are several and multiple from area to another.
In Morocco your program of visit will be rich of different activities and you will benefit from the experience of a great people. Many festival s and manifestations are organized every year. Mawazine World Cultures hosts famous singers from all continents of the planet.  Arabic, French, English, African and Asiatic singer come every May to Rabat to singe in many scenes.

Cultures de Maroc 

Le Maroc possède un charme spéciale. Il est un pays où nous pouvons trouver plusieurs climats différents. On trouve les montagnes et les forêts au milieu  et au nord. La neige à Ifrane , Azrou  , Elhajeb et les montagnes d’Atlas et du désert dans le sud. Le Maroc est également une fusion des différentes cultures et traditions,  arabe, juive, berbère et saharienne.
Beaucoup de villes ont de nombreuses traditions. Les gens diffèrent d'une ville à une autre. Leurs vêtements, aliments, traditions de mariage sont variés et multiples d'une région à une autre.
Au Maroc votre programme de visite sera riche de plusieurs activités. Vous allez bénéficier de l'expérience d'un grand peuple. Des manifestations et estivaux sont organisées chaque année. Le festival de Mawazine Cultures du monde accueille des chanteurs célèbres de tous les continents de la planète. Arabe, français, anglais, juifs et dautres  chanteurs africains et asiatiques viennent chaque année en mai à Rabat pour embellir  dans de nombreuses scènes dans la vile.
Click Here!
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tetouan or the white dove

Tetouan or the white dove is localized in the north of Morocco.  The origin of the name Tetouan is Berber, Tittawin which the signification is Eyes or sources of water n Berber language.  Tetouan population number is around 500K inhabitants. 
The city was colonized by the Spanish.  Many ethnics live in Tetouan . The majority of them is Islamic and Berber (Rif).
The climate is Mediterranean climate. The the temperature varies between 17°C and 27°C. The city attracts many tourists from Morocco and all countries on Europe especially in the summer where its beaches become wonderful.
UNESCO classified Tetouan medina as one of the world heritage list.  The King of Morocco has one big palace in this city where he spends summer holidays.
Tetouan has a football Club MAT (Maghreb Athletic Tetouan ). The Club has won Morocco ligue two times and play in different competitions continental and national.  
The white dove

Monday, April 11, 2016

Tamazight: The original language of Morocco

Tamazight: The original language of Morocco

Tamazight is the original language of North Africa population. Morocco, Algeria , Tunisia , Libya and Siwa in Egypt are the main countries of Amazigh.
The age of the language is 3000 years B.C.  Tamazight has its own handwriting character called Tifinagh. It has 33 characters according to the Moroccan Institute of Amazigh Culture. Tifinagh was used firstly by Libyan and Island Canaries near Morocco.

Tamazight was officially the second language in Morocco on 2011 and in Algeria on 2015.
The Amazigh population presents an important percentage in North Africa beside Arabic ethnics. 

Below different statistics distributed by country.
·         Morocco : 20 000 000 inhabitants
·         Algeria : 13 000 000 inhabitants
·         Tunisia :  150 000 inhabitants
·         Mali : 1 000 000 inhabitants
·         Libya : 800 000 inhabitants
·         Mauritania : 120 000 inhabitants

Amazigh are disturbed by clans in North Africa.

  • Souss in the Atlantic Ocean
  • Rif in North of the country
  • Amazigh in mountains Atlas

Algeria  :
  • Kabyle and Chawi clans

The rest of other clans is described in the below map.

Below traditional clothes for North Africa populations :

Morocco Rif woman :

 Morocco Atlas bride (Ait Atta )

Algeria Kabyle woman 

Sabrina : Teacher woman algerian in Canada

For more information please leave your contact as a comment , we will answer all your questions
عربي باي

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Morocco Cultures [Cultures de Maroc]

Morocco Cultures 

Morocco has a specialized charm. He is a country where we can find different climate. Mountains and forests in the middle and north. Snow in Ifrane and Atlas Mountains and Desert in south.  Morocco is also a merge of various cultures and traditions: Arabic, jewish , Berber and Saharian.
Many cities have many traditions. People differ from one town to another.  Their clothes, eating, wedding traditions are several and multiple from area to another.
In Morocco your program of visit will be rich of different activities and you will benefit from the experience of a great people. Many festival s and manifestations are organized every year. Mawazine World Cultures hosts famous singers from all continents of the planet.  Arabic, French, English, African and Asiatic singer come every May to Rabat to singe in many scenes.

Cultures de Maroc 

Le Maroc possède un charme spéciale. Il est un pays où nous pouvons trouver plusieurs climats différents. On trouve les montagnes et les forêts au milieu  et au nord. La neige à Ifrane , Azrou  , Elhajeb et les montagnes d’Atlas et du désert dans le sud. Le Maroc est également une fusion des différentes cultures et traditions,  arabe, juive, berbère et saharienne.
Beaucoup de villes ont de nombreuses traditions. Les gens diffèrent d'une ville à une autre. Leurs vêtements, aliments, traditions de mariage sont variés et multiples d'une région à une autre.
Au Maroc votre programme de visite sera riche de plusieurs activités. Vous allez bénéficier de l'expérience d'un grand peuple. Des manifestations et estivaux sont organisées chaque année. Le festival de Mawazine Cultures du monde accueille des chanteurs célèbres de tous les continents de la planète. Arabe, français, anglais, juifs et dautres  chanteurs africains et asiatiques viennent chaque année en mai à Rabat pour embellir  dans de nombreuses scènes dans la vile.
Click Here!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tetouan or the white dove

Tetouan or the white dove is localized in the north of Morocco.  The origin of the name Tetouan is Berber, Tittawin which the signification is Eyes or sources of water n Berber language.  Tetouan population number is around 500K inhabitants. 
The city was colonized by the Spanish.  Many ethnics live in Tetouan . The majority of them is Islamic and Berber (Rif).
The climate is Mediterranean climate. The the temperature varies between 17°C and 27°C. The city attracts many tourists from Morocco and all countries on Europe especially in the summer where its beaches become wonderful.
UNESCO classified Tetouan medina as one of the world heritage list.  The King of Morocco has one big palace in this city where he spends summer holidays.
Tetouan has a football Club MAT (Maghreb Athletic Tetouan ). The Club has won Morocco ligue two times and play in different competitions continental and national.  
The white dove

Monday, April 11, 2016

Tamazight: The original language of Morocco

Tamazight: The original language of Morocco

Tamazight is the original language of North Africa population. Morocco, Algeria , Tunisia , Libya and Siwa in Egypt are the main countries of Amazigh.
The age of the language is 3000 years B.C.  Tamazight has its own handwriting character called Tifinagh. It has 33 characters according to the Moroccan Institute of Amazigh Culture. Tifinagh was used firstly by Libyan and Island Canaries near Morocco.

Tamazight was officially the second language in Morocco on 2011 and in Algeria on 2015.
The Amazigh population presents an important percentage in North Africa beside Arabic ethnics. 

Below different statistics distributed by country.
·         Morocco : 20 000 000 inhabitants
·         Algeria : 13 000 000 inhabitants
·         Tunisia :  150 000 inhabitants
·         Mali : 1 000 000 inhabitants
·         Libya : 800 000 inhabitants
·         Mauritania : 120 000 inhabitants

Amazigh are disturbed by clans in North Africa.

  • Souss in the Atlantic Ocean
  • Rif in North of the country
  • Amazigh in mountains Atlas

Algeria  :
  • Kabyle and Chawi clans

The rest of other clans is described in the below map.

Below traditional clothes for North Africa populations :

Morocco Rif woman :

 Morocco Atlas bride (Ait Atta )

Algeria Kabyle woman 

Sabrina : Teacher woman algerian in Canada

For more information please leave your contact as a comment , we will answer all your questions